Nonfiction Story ~ Working days and yet ... ~

My dogma and bias - 独断と偏見

Season_26-6 (Season-26 Final) (未完)

Indy 500
1. Lap   0 -  40 (Q35/R37)
2. Lap  41 -  80 (Q37/R36)
3. Lap  81 - 120 (Q36/R36)
4. Lap 121 - 160 (Q36/R34)
5. Lap 161 - 200 (Q34/R37)

Indy 500 (5th Section)
Team : Rubicon Race Team
Before Race Dry 156 Lap(+4 Lap) 34th/37
Warm Up     Dry 40.043(+0.110) 2nd/10
Race        Dry 194 Lap(+6 Lap) 37th/37(完走37台)
Fastest Lap     41.365(+2.465) 36th/37(194周目に記録)
